What would life feel like to add bestselling author and professional keynote speaker to your bio, in only twelve months?


Author{ity} Mastermind is the first of its kind, hyper-hybrid, year-long container. It is a thoughtfully curated business growth mastermind, rooted in personal development with tangible (and guaranteed) results. 


Who is Author{ity} Mastermind for?

The self-led woman ready to step into her greatness and make the impact (and income) she deserves. She is ready to rise to her next level and share her message with the world, specifically through a bestselling book and viral-worthy keynote talk.

Is this you? Everyone keeps saying that . . .

"You need to write a book"

"You need to do a TEDx talk"

"You need to share your story" . . .

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But . . . all the "reasons" keep flooding in . . .

>> I don't have the time/space/capacity to write a 60K+ word manuscript right now

>> Done with/for you writing coaching and PR support are so expensive, I can't afford it 

>> I'm not great at staying motivated to keep going and meet the finish line, and I don't know where or how to start

What if, there were a way to . . .

Collapse Time?

The average writer takes an entire decade, to complete their manuscript. No wonder most don't make it to publication.  

Maximize Value?

Writing coaching, editing, book production (layout, formatting, design) marketing and PR can run a new author into six figures.

Be Held Accountable?

Writing and accountability groups are beneficial for aspiring authors, to connect with like-minded people on a similar path.

NOW There is . . . Author{ity} Mastermind!

This space is thoughtfully designed and curated with all the above in mind, leveraging a collaborative approach to an otherwise very isolated experience.

What is mastermind writing, publishing and promotion?

>> Ten aspiring authors and thought leaders are chosen to contribute a section to a professionally published, bestselling book

>> A twelve month hybrid container (combined; group; 1:1 coaching; self-paced programs; and DFY services like editing and graphic design)

>> Accountability, motivation, high-touch professional support and guidance

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Layered into four phases

Designed to optimize your experience and guarantee results; becoming a bestselling author, sought-after keynote speaker and paid subject matter expert

Phase One - Messaging

In months 1-3 or Phase One; we will get clear on your message.

  • What is the story you are going to share?
  • How does it connect to a movement or greater purpose/mission? 
  • What blocks or limiting beliefs come up around this?
  • What is the long-play for impact (and income) with this message?

Phase Two - Writing

In months 3-6 or Phase Two; we will get everything out of your head and into writing.

  • Craft your book section with our writing coaches and editorial team.
  • Build out a content bank with a year of diverse social media and press content.
  • Develop and edit your speaker keynotes in 3-5 topics.

Phase Three - Branding

In months 6-9 or Phase Three; we focus on growing the foundation of your personal brand.

  • Identify your brand identity, mission and vision statements to map out your offers.
  • Audit your offer suite/marketing and build out your social media/web landing pages.
  • Dive into a custom style and branding guide and photo options.

Phase Four - Marketing

In months 9-12 or Phase Four; nearing the finish line, we focus on organic marketing and PR.

  • Pitching to conference and event organizers, podcast hosts and media outlets.
  • Building out your media kit, speaker reel and one sheet.
  • Developing intellectual influence and thought leadership in your area of expertise.



Most Popular

  • Add AUTHOR to your bio/resume (Value $10K+)
  • Create an additional revenue stream with a physical product (book) + 200 copies with only your name/photo to sell retail (Value + $5K+)
  • Define your brand/business pillars and craft a viral-worthy keynote talk (Value = $5K+)
  • Land a minimum of 5 speaking engagements through our done-with-you pitch funnel (Value = $10K+)
  • Media kit, one sheet and speaker/author landing page (Value = $3K+)
  • Hands-on business coaching and mentorship from leading industry experts (Value = $25K+)
  • Turn your book/talk into a passive income program/course with tech support (Value = $10K+)

Over $50000 in value!

Take me to the application!

There is no other high-level business mastermind that provides GUARANTEED results and physical takeaways

Takeaways include: A bestselling book | A keynote talk | Landing page + media kit/pitch with done-for-you PR support | Business overhaul + offer suite support |  Social media audit and done-with-you business development | A year's worth of content + a digital asset bank | Expert business training + development.

"It's like having a writing coach, a mindset mentor, a publisher, an editor, a social media strategist, a publicist and a business coach all wrapped in one package with a group of friends!" 

- Previous Mastermind Participant 

*Option to pay in full at $8000 (save nearly $2000) and receive 2x bonus 1:1 sessions to streamline and optimize your experience (Value = $1000)

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